D - sheesh, hard to find detailed size/ dimension/ weight info.
Roughly, 1x2', c. 6W, c. $200 bux.
And for less than a POUND.
D - I don't need that much flexibility.
Just being able to flex along the top fairing ogive would suffice.
But dunno if any rigid plastic units can do so.
Anybody know?
D - the initial fairing project was just gonna use a 4x8' of Lexan, with half for the top and bottom fairing respectively.
Just gonna cut out outline, flex and clamp into place.
No fancy 3D bubble blowing to start. Maybe later.
I don't have shop setup, though could manage it in my basement.
D- so 2 of the above panels would run a shocking $400 bux. I say that as a guy who is not working full-time yet.
BUT 12Watts of power to play with...
In my last blog, I mused about using a non-freewheeling direct drive hub motor to
1) get power for a burst when needed from a battery and capacitor that
2) it trickle charges when needed or
3) power lights at night or
4) consumer appliances by day.
D - the solar power concept involves some modifications.
1) a motor for use at typical day touring speeds, less torque, higher top RPM (it's OK if during commute speeds, or downhill, if it is not of use - more important to be also of use on gradient during a long haul slog)
2) charges battery to power the lights at night,
3) powers consumer electronics during the day.
D - you would want the solar permanently affixed to the top fairing, which is itself securely anchored to the bike frame.
Down the road, a secure closing 'clamshell' layout can alleviate theft concerns. Once the bike frame concept gets turned inside out, we know longer have an endoskeleton with a fairing on it.
The fairing becomes structural, a true endoskeleton. Like a lobster.
The process of smashing into the bike precludes stealing an intact bike. If the bits are attached securely, looting it is not rewarding either. Finally, a thoughtful redesign of that sonic alarm lock I have 2 of will be the icing on this cake.
If you cut the cable, you have a wailing bike.
I'd like to add flashing lights too.
Clearly some of my power system ideas require a real technically savvy power system designer.
My bro in law knows lotsa other engie specialists. Plus a galpal is dating a guy who builds electrical systems.
I do rely heavily on others for that with my liberal arts back ground!