D - took my Cruzbike conversion kit out on cruise. 40km to Heidelburg 'n back. Nice paved edge.
My back felt a bit uncomfortable. I squirmed, trying to make it more comfy.
I had some cramping in my lower back from all the squirming.
Training hard now, so don't notice a lil' more discomfort.
Day later, look in mirror in bathroom.
I'm bruised and chafed!!!
WTF? You gotta be kidding me. From a seat?
Cuz I had the temerity to wear normal blue jean shorts with a belt?
Instead of some little fitness bunny spandex. I happen to not like the look of 3 golf balls stuffed in my shorts.
The seat is a failure. It is a beta-test that should not have passed the experimental stage.
The screws to the seat back need to be recessed, which then would allow the use of thicker but softer foam padding.
The foam is 2-layer. The first is soft. The second is HARD.
The kit ought to come with a warning label. GRR.
I'm improvving a fix, ruining the seat back in the process.
To say I'm not impressed is an understatement.
I'm chopping and slashing and banging away a solution.