Saturday, August 1, 2009

cruzbike, amended. back from shop.

Well, I had my pal Sanjay over.
We tried to sort through the parts for the two kits thrown together.
After hours, we concluded we were simply missing a part we needed.
We needed an aftermarket ... um the thing inside the steering tube.
The diameter was wrong.
I took it to the shop - McPhail's - Sanjay swore by Jamie the mechanic's prowess.
Anyway, a few weeks later I got my bike back.
I guess the wrong sleeve to adjust spacing had been ordered.
But it is WORKING now.

I foolishly tried to replace the kickstand on the rear axle.
I had forgotten that Mike needed to place the whole thing in a clamp to put the rear tire on.
Much jumping on the bike frame later, I managed to re-attach the rear tire, sans new longer kickstand.
This turned out OK.
I plan to use the now-empty old bottom bracket with some bolt and washer affair to mount the kickstand more centrally.
A Cruzbike has a whole lot of front to it.
The alternative would have been to mount a kickstand fore and aft.
OR get one of the heavier bike types, with dual ground points, mounted centrally and underneath.
They are all but impossible to find now.

I weighed the bike.
Keep in mind, it IS based on an all-steel youth frame.
It does have a pannier mount and 2 side baskets mounted.
It came to... 55 pounds. OM- F- G.

I'm not sure how much instability was removed from the bike by a proper and professional front fork construction, instead of the improv job I used.
I HAVE been balancing by walking on railroad track rails all year.
I am so good that I need to put my hands in my pocket to make it challenging.
Plus my yoga routine helps.
I took it to work and let the coworkers try it.
They looked like a bunch of drunks, LOL!
I do think a standard non front-boom SWB 'bent is easier to ride.

So here is a thought.
Instead of confusingly cobbling together parts for two kits, instead include the aftermarket front-tube insert that will be required on many bikes.
I'm sure the cost would be about the same.

And for the love of all things holy, include a DVD on how-to!!!

With the youth wheelbase (coupla inches less) and gearing, the bike is pretty much capped at 20-25kph.
It is a fine workhorse of a commuter bike.
Until my steering skill improves, I would not want to go faster anyway.
Poor handling introduces some instability around 20kph.

Nobody has made oval chainrings help much.
I suspect this is due to pursuit of efficiency in the layout rather than ergonomic considerations.
Having said that, a few modifications to standard pedalling technique suffice.

I.e. a GreenMachine knockoff.
To test my suspended-seat suspension system on rigid frames.
And a backpack/rucksack luggage mount system.
My pal Fern is a genius welding stainless steel (and titanium even).
So it'll be stainless steel tubing, burnished.
Borrowed from the Python mid-steer DIY design.

While the initial Thudbuster-derived suspension system will be a dual arrangement, the final version could be off-centre, one-side-only elastomer.
I'll just go very light on the elastomer.
That is, I'll have TWO very lightweight elastomer pads in lieu of one heavy one.
A very interesting product.
I'll likely buy one to try it out.
NOT cheap...]

I've been using my roomie's bike.
It has a seat post suspension mount. The seat is gel-filled but narrow.
I STILL bruise my seat bones when at all off road!
Those old spring-mounted fat-ass wide granny seats are wayyyyy better.
Just not fashionable.

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