Wednesday, April 7, 2010

mavic, you suck ASS

D: I just wasted five minutes of my life.
Since I cannot find how to set up my odometer to my tire size in your 'manual',
I checked your web site. Again.
Five minutes of pointless slick flashy animations later, there is still no sign of a complete and preferably language-specific manual.
Or, in fact, manuals for ANY of your products.

Or contact information of any sort.

I'd just like to say it again.

Mavic, you SUCK.


1 comment:

Dino Snider said...

I rooted around on help forums and on Google. Mavic, you are much disliked in the community. I DID find an English-only manual for your newest toys- but no link from the main page of your website?! Why, for the love of God, would you make a decent PDF manual- and them make it nearly impossible to find?! WHY?!?!!?!?

I still couldn't find a manual for the 2008 product.
Mavic, you still SUCK ASS.